Lumardy Case | Post-Doc

Lu never apologised for maintaining a split narrative for 7 months between his friends and me + mine, on emotional abuse i had supposedly done to him. He only apologised for venting inaccurately to some people.

Some of my attempts to re-explain the significance of what he had done in the first place to merit the case:

The original case includes a summary as well, which also has a copy of Lu’s apology.

Early Days

On his alt Twitter, started in May 2022, shortly after the case:

He posted some tweets on main about how he was gonna come back stronger. Have to document this reply because this guy was hired as a mod for some reason:

Lu started streaming on Twitch and posting on his main Twitter again on the day or day after I tweeted about losing 1UpsForLife and posted the doc about my dispute with Jeff (which i was banned from SMS for a few days later) respectively.

September 2022

After I posted about my dispute with Jeff, Lu reactivated his main Twitter, and tweeted this (A):

A day or 2 before my SMS ban, he bullied me over an IL speedrun (B). On the day of the ban, he taunted me over the ban (C). See my response tweets below for proof of these two.

The next day he liked the MLarvitar thread baselessly accusing me of manipulative lying (D). He also tweeted (E):

I then addressed his behaviours B + C with these tweets. Excerpt:

return of the abuser // he highlighted this video ~2h after my noki 6 pb tweet 3 days ago // reading lu’s 2021 tweets on maybe leaving sms cos a banned runner (guy) was streaming+bopping his victims to troll them, i didn’t anticipate he’d actually become him // the thing that’ll stay with me here is the pure hatred in his voice at the end of the video. i hope it was worth the permaban. but then, given he deleted his apology to me as well, i think that was the point

D + E are notable because manipulative lying is what I proved Lu had done to me, and spreading lies about me behind my back had been a major component of the abuse he had done, and my lack of defence against that is the heart of my trauma around him. So this indicates his intentions more clearly than anything else since the doc on him came out.

I have to clarify here, because Lu has supporters who are intent on revising the chronology to pretend that I am abusing him rather than the other way round, that up until these tweets, I had done nothing that could be interpreted as a provocation – in particular, I didn’t provoke Lu’s September bullying (actions A – E). My only comment on this case, after the week it initially broke and before these tweets, is this thread.

when interviewed by a mutual friend about the IL bullying (B), he engages in some more, quite elaborate, lying:

(Note also the manipulation – “[Lu] also clarified that they weren’t saying that to shift blame off themselves”.)

After my tweets above addressing his actions, Lu deletes his original main Twitter account, and posts this on YouTube, putting the word “archive” over his Twitch and YouTube accounts.

December 2022

Then he makes a new Twitter account with display name “lu (mardy)” around Dec 20 2022, starts streaming SMS speedruns again and starts following people aggressively and talking about how he will prove he has changed. Noki Doki liked some of his tweets. Mid January, he deletes this Twitter account (reason unknown but rather suspiciously, a tweet from this account received this reply hours before said account was nuked).

(that’s Feb 28 2023; my birth date is Feb 16 1995)

April 2023

April 1st–2nd (round midnight utc), he donates to the SMS LTA event I played in with name spelt backwards (“ydramul”) and advertises a third main twitter account, on which he announces plans to speedrun random non-sms games. he renamed his src to the same thing

Then he does this (check description, more IL targeting), and after I post that description (reaction), he removes all followers/following on his Twitter account and likes his own tweet with the left bell WR.

I asked to have him anonymised owing to all this only in mid july 2023, and was refused (the mod never replied to me here).


In late August 2023, he renames this Twitter account back to lumardyy, his src account to lumardy again and starts tweeting normally / building a following again. I stopped being able to look at this point. His twitter alt still exists I believe under the handle @deathgips. It’s whatever has liked this tweet.