Lumardy Case | Venting Account (C)

C. “Creepy” Letter

Notice of Non-Publication (Apr 2022)

While I was writing the case, I wrote and actually decided to publish a comprehensive defence for all of Lu’s venting on the topic of sexual/romantic things, being creeped out, and Awesomo/Dutchj’s false sexual harassment allegation. I reneged at the last minute, on the grounds that I was already posting an overwhelming amount of accusations, and my digging up the context behind this stuff would’ve made things much worse. A week later, I’m deciding to uphold this decision, which I’ll explain now.

The reason I wanted to defend this as part of the case is that I didn’t want to leave any ambiguity where it looked like I might’ve been hiding something. I mentioned in the case that I’d written a private letter to Lu:

I’d creeped him out by discussing my own sexual feelings for him in a threatening way

This letter, in isolation, is creepy, and it’s been shared to at least Awesomo and Dutchj. Discussions with observers have revealed suspicions about my actions that stem from expectations of normal sexual conduct, but Lu’s own conduct was anything but normal, and brought about a letter from me that I wouldn’t have written to anyone else. My defence therefore, as well as apologising at length for the letter, explored the context that led to it, and also discredited as hypocrisy any rational basis for Lu’s reaction of being creeped out. It would’ve presented evidence about Lu ranging from embarrassing things to dubious behaviours to somewhat serious allegations.

Since I believed that I had nothing to hide (as with the rest of the case), I really didn’t want to leave a hole in my defence, with my letter floating around and Lu persisting false narratives about me on other topics at the time. But given his admissions of guilt since then and the lack of active doubts about this part of the case from involved parties, I decided it was better to bury it, both in order to avoid releasing sensitive evidence, and to protect Lu from further scrutiny and allegations given the scale of the rest of the case I’d mounted.

Note that this means I censored my letter from the evidence log.

Awesomo and Dutchj’s Allegations

Since I’m not going to defend the case at all (reasoning given in previous section), I will post here Awesomo’s allegations with only factual corrections. The evidence she and Dutchj provided to SMS mods is in this evidence log, in the form of two DM exchanges between Awesomo and Lu.

Awesomo said to me:

Because he has literally sent me screenshot after screenshot of you gaslighting him. Of you threatening him. Saying you’re going to kill yourself or self harm because he won’t be with you. How he feels unsafe. How he’s terrified of you.

But the gist is he wasn’t interested romantically, you tried to convince him he came onto you when he didn’t, and when he said no, you shut off the friendship. And then made suicidal tweets. And posts in the IL sheet or something

I abruptly stopped talking to Lu because of his callous attitude, and the last straw was me being pissed off with him denying that he was being serious after I’d brought up one time he flirted with me as an example of a nice thing he’d done to me. I was pissed because I thought he was lying (it later turned out he wasn’t). In Lu’s DM with Awesomo (July), Lu said it seemed to him I cut the friendship because he wasn’t interested romantically. Awesomo took things from there.

Awesomo said to Jpep:

Second, I have screenshots that luu sent me, including that shout tried to guilt luu into dating him or hooking up because of the name of a discord channel.

The fake flirt was very elaborate; Lu edited a message in a personal discord to “shoutplenty is cute”, then renamed the discord to “secret sex dungeon”, then screenshotted it, erased the “(edited)” indicator, then posted it without context during an SMS community voice call.

Given the screenshots that were shared, Awesomo and Dutchj probably made more allegations of sexual misconduct against me, but these are all the ones that I know of.