Intimidation Décomplexé (Part 1)

Almost 2 years after I was cancelled from the SMS community by 1UpsForLife et al., info continues to emerge about how it was practically executed; this essay will go over that.

I originally planned to write about this as part of my journals on my experiences of bullying, social abuse and other things, to be released at some indefinite time in the future, but I feel this’d be more useful as a cold-cut analysis that’s out while I’m still here than as an emotional introspection. The main emotional takeaway is that this I think strongly proves my earlier points about having a losing matchup to certain kinds of antisocial, histrionic and just generally manipulative people, which means that for as long as I continue my life, I will be bullied and socially ostracised in the ways we’ll look at.

The title is a reference to “racisme décomplexé” (“uninhibited racism”), a recent tweet about Argentine football racism. Intimidation is a word for bullying in French that places the right emphasis on the nature of the tactics described here.

A. Intimidation Game: Action

Let’s pick apart how the accusation of me abusing 1UpsForLife originated. I think the first thing to note is the big picture – the reason this false accusation worked is essentially that it was a first strike. If you get an authority to declare that someone is an abuser, then that person will probably be an abuser forever in the eyes of the audience. People like it when there are abusers they can project a little bit of hatred on, signal a bit of virtue as being against, but they really don’t like it when there’s a conflicting story to muddy the waters. They’ll run away before they have to get too deep into it. But the first impression is all-powerful. This case has a lot of echoes like this with the lumardy abuse case so I’ll use that as a narrative guide as well.

We start where the accusation began, with 1UpsForLife vaguely reporting our personal issue on the day I sent her the infamous letter.

The yellow highlight is notable because it establishes grounds for a pre-emptive strike. The word “operates” imbues some malice to the (otherwise rather ordinary) idea of discussing people’s actions in private. Most recently at the time, when it comes to 1Ups against me, this was SMS moderator Jeff venting to her about how he doesn’t feel safe because I took disciplinary action against a bully for bullying. She “feels unsafe”, which I’m sure she does, in the same way that this example I gave made me feel unsafe, but there’s no real attempt in the phrasing to get over this as a normal person would, and instead there’s an appeal to this “unsafe” abuser language.

Personal Relationships and Venting

The blue highlights push this egocentricity problem further. I get the vibe with this type of person that every accusation is a confession.

  1. I think it can’t really be disputed that 1Ups’ accounts of this case (and the lumardy abuse denial) are much more inaccurate than anything I have said or could hope to ever say about the case.
  2. Manipulation seems pretty clear with the formation of a whole conspiracy around it, whose flames she fanned in hours of voice calls to SMS mods in later months, as well as in her binding people to not tell me her story in order to hear it themselves that Hooktail and PumpMan reported.
  3. Uncharitable rather the same with not backing down with it when I gave her a chance to, before I posted the evidence and cancelled her back.
  4. And the sentence blaming the letter for the end of the friendship rather than the concrete problems I wrote the letter about (most centrally the dongerduck liaison described in the collapsible section here).

Ego disorders and narcissistic perspectives aside, the main point here is how does one’s action of reckless venting – in this case venting to uninvolved moderator Lego who ended up entirely oblivious to how his white-knighting for 1Ups was covering for her bringing me into my abuser’s orbit and a year later denying the abuse happened – how does this action break the seal of “personal” that keeps private relationship problems dealt with sensitively between trusted parties? Because my point from the outset (pre-ban and during private case response a month post-ban) was that this should’ve stayed private, and everyone reviewing the case has agreed on that. Rather, we see 1Ups here deciding to spread it out, and worse still, later encouraging a cancellation for it.

I think more than that, it’s interesting her commenting that this is how I operate when she knows from the lumardy case that the way I vent about these kinds of issues is, well, such that of the only 3 parties I involved

So clearly I must’ve not been “venting” effectively, when I didn’t turn any of them against Luke? Rather… Luke cancelled me from SDLL by “venting” much more mendaciously to 4× as many people. Without an ounce of empathy.

So how do I operate?

[Jpep:] I wish i could show you everything honestly bc there is also some pretty vile stuff in our dms that he said about larvi

[me:] i think [mlarvitar is] much more of who he says i am deeр down (e.g. troublemaker), but won the lottery in terms of who abused him so it shows less

Lmao. My DMs with Jpep are publicly available now on request (ask any mod) so it’s easy to see his paranoia disorder and resulting “little bitch–ism”. One would also see the speculative analyses of other people’s motives that I engaged in in our private DMs that supposedly triggered him, despite him behaving the exact same way. It was just around RSW and Mlarvitar that 1Ups and I had to discuss things away from him to avoid the littlebitchism.

Before I was cancelled by 1Ups et al., I did bring up the context story behind the letter to Despin, FoundYourGun and PumpMan. We’d established that they were my friends and not hers, and they knew they had no right to spread the situation out to anyone else.

1Ups, by contrast, effectively vented to the entire SMS community.

EDIT 2024/09: Two years later, 1Ups continues to lie about this. If she tries to make this about Samura1man, this is what actually happened.

Pre-Emptive Strike

So about seeding the pre-emptive strike. I alluded at the start (discussing “first strikes”) to the fact that each of the 3 cancellations that I suffered in the SMS or related communities (the Awesomocity0 one was killed within a day, but the lumardy and 1UpsForLife ones succeeded) – each of these was justfied on the grounds that I would attack first, and ended up, factually, with me not doing anything to them and them doing to me what they said I would do to them. I feel this obvious point often gets lost on people.

The evidence of the engineered pre-emptive strike we have so far is:

  1. 1UpsForLife suggesting that social abuse is how I “operate” and so was an objective safety risk to her. It’s also quite notable that she gave no indication on what my letter to her was about.
  2. Jpep fabricating evidence of pattern out of comically trivial remarks about Mlarvitar (the “lottery” comment above).

The last thing I have to show is I think it throws a lot of Jpep’s most indefensible lies into a new light:

This has a bit of an “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction” vibe to me. It feels a lot like cancelling me is being justified by the false claim that I was going to cancel 1Ups first, using “IRL” info that’s never been substantiated with what info exactly 🤔. It’s interesting that even now I’ve reactively disassembled 1Ups, no IRL info has come out.

Jpony Blair they call him lmao.

EDIT 2024/08/17: Jpep gave this explanation for this. It’s funny because the parts about lumardy in the letter to 1UpsForLife were about their “friendship”, not their obsolete (back then) romance, which was not known about publicly until Jpep brought it up there… it’s an interesting entrapment strategy being deliberately vague about a false accusation to incite hatred of a target, and later becoming guilty of the exact thing you tried to smear him over.

I do stress that I think the motive for all this from both 1Ups and Jpep is pathological paranoia, and it comes across in reading our old DMs. One might draw an analogy to where, when I became paranoid about JeffCompass, I wrote down my case in public, and apologised and took responsibility for it as soon as I learned he’d been hurt by it. My perspectives on things have not shifted much from what I was quite calmly setting out to Jpep and 1Ups in our DMs, by contrast to the rather wild levels of denial of abuse from 1Ups and reinterpretations from Jpep. But regardless, the main thing is I didn’t provoke the first strikes, which were entirely pre-emptive and clearly unjustified given how they themselves knew I handled venting about lumardy.

I have a lie from Jpep that can be fact-checked by reading thru our DMs (my emphasis):

[Jpep:] Yeah I mean for every message he can publicise there’s like 3 others of him saying that he wants to “put Jeff’s face into the pavement”, or that larvi “got lucky with who abused him”

Or rather a lie by intention not execution, since each of these quotes just ends up diagnosed as littlebitchism when I show any investigators, e.g.:

shout gave a screenshot of face in dirt and it wasnt nearly how lego portrayed it either. nor is brainworms obviously. he never said rudhira had brainworms

B. Intimidation Game: Reaction

From the perspective of Lego6245. This is his immediate reply to the above 1UpsForLife overture.

It’s interesting that Lego would feel as 1Ups does when our relationship at the time amounted to him trying to bully me out of my IL mod consulting role. I actually never went after him for his involvement in the bingo bullying, ever, but of course that just made him braver.

Also interesting that he commits to being in 1Ups’ corner, with no knowledge of why we fell out. Well, there’s a reason he committed to the bingo bullies corner, and then found himself apologising for “assuming a lot that wasn’t true” (ctrl+f “apologised”, spelt with an “s”).

Remember that these two points both happened before any word about JeffCompass from me outside of my private complaint to the mods about him. Lego, you know, supposedly neutral arbiter of community reconciliation, automatically sides against me 🤔.

Have you ever had one of them ones where you’re investigating a case and you don’t ask for evidence because you just know one person is the best person ever and the other is literally Hitler? Despite having already been caught “assuming a lot that wasn’t true”? No?

I mean sometimes it just doesn’t matter what happened because you really feel like you need to kill Hitler. Right guys?

This one is interesting because Lego admits he’s looking to pin the libel about me abusing in private on those trivial comments about Mlarvitar. So there’s a strong intent to slander there. I remember plankton telling me that he didn’t want to look into what those comments were because the other investigators seemed to agree they were stupid lol. I quoted one earlier; others are mentioned in passing in Jpitar case.

Lego was interviewed about his actions around this case in July 2024, and notably didn’t show any remorse (at all!), rather just doubled down.

A bit more “every accusation is a confession”. It seems to not matter to him at all that the reason the grievance between me and 1Ups is public at all is his own (and Jpitar’s) actions, and that he’s guilty of a rather alarming amount of slander and unwarranted cancellation done from a position of power.

The situation with Jeff does a lot of heavy lifting in his rationale, despite it having been provoked by him ignoring my complaints about Jeff’s abusive modding.

Lego equates his use of slander from a position of power in the #announcements channel to my accusations made against the perpetrators afterwards, ignores the fact that he was caught in libel, asked to correct it, rather ran away and blocked the victim, and indeed blames the victim to this day for himself being questioned on defamatory language.

One of the, maybe subtler, manipulation techniques at play here is the idea of the time lag (a.k.a. chronology). His analysis is framed statically and doesn’t take into account that, for example,

The guy is actually outwardly disingenuous. He wrote about me:

There is no self accountability, no “I” regarding language. Every behavior is someone else’s fault.

And then later in the same post, posted this screenshot of my words:

Hmm. Well, that ends my analysis of how the 1UpsForLife case came about and makes the malice of the perpetrators clear as well, I feel.

It’s interesting that Mlarvitar is the only one of the 4 conspirators who doesn’t get rinsed out here; his role was almost lighter than air, being the person who formally reported the case, saying I pushed 1Ups out of the community with the letter. But he’s the one who crossed the line in escalating the private friendship issue into public interest.