Jpep/MLarvitar Social Abuse Case

Update (2024/06): I want to link here the posts of an anonymous Twitter account and to draw attention specifically to this instance of psychological abuse. Analysis of motive, language, antisociality and sense of humour make it almost certain that its posts are written by Mlarvitar.


This was obvious to me from the off because of the jarring English mostly, because it’d been known for years prior to this case that Mlarvitar’s English is very cold, emotionless and stilted, and the unnatural word choice and sense of humour of these tweets (which I highlighted in replies) echoed prior non-anonymous posts of his. No native speaker would talk like that or find those jokes funny. The conversation he had with the anon account is also very fake-sounding, and the pivot to woodenly calling me “splenty” rather than “shout” that took place then and has continued since also stands out.

Mlarvitar gave this rebuttal:

It’s very loaded with red herrings, like the (false) claim about American English, the weird idea that European speedrunners like him aren’t often up late at night, or that psychologically destroying me wouldn’t be in lumardy’s best interest vis-à-vis his pursuit of social dominance.

And in fact, that is the motive for Mlarvitar as well. Per the below case, he is a coercive abuser type who compels obedience in other people by ostracising them for resisting his social manoeuvres (#2c), pressuring them to cut each other off as part of those manoeuvres, cutting them from groups for risking independent thought, and inciting hatred (around, me, Urbani, Guy2308). Common patterns of such types are that they form alliances with other coercives they don’t know to destabilise their common victim, which is shown by the quote about my mum above, and also saviour-type gaslighting that leverages social dominance, namely the “you can still be accepted” quote.

The goal of such a person is to eliminate any possible social consequences for being found out to be a coercive/bully/abuser. The proximal cause of Mlarvitar’s campaign against me was aspersions I cast on his character, which is apparent from how he centred himself in his rationalisations of his actions and simulated victimhood to the moderators as part of convincing them to ostracise me. There could be any number of related social goals, such as to hurt someone (revenge), provoke suicide (antisocial personality), consolidate an in-group identity (an impression of victimhood provokes bonding), or to win the favour of a desired person (1UpsForLife).

And alienating and psychologically undermining a victim is the method towards that outcome; it fits my etiology of bullying quite closely.

Another thing to add is to repeat from the bottom of my case index page that we found the false accusation of me abusing 1UpsForLife was originated by Jpep and taken at face value, with Rimato and Dingle finding it vastly overblew the evidence and the remaining mods either going into hiding or claiming they didn’t weigh the accusation heavily.


Someone on Twitter wondered how MLarvitar, having “reamed out” GB Discord for bullying me, could now act maliciously regarding my private ban case. I hope I’ve done you proud…

I had tried to address this with a candid video as well but realised since I wasn’t defending myself but rather initiating my own complaint against two very pre-meditated people, I had better be very precise and dispassionate with my words. I can’t keep punching up like this so I imagine this’ll be my last word on this issue.

Chapters 1–3 are my case itself; 4–6 are supporting evidence and broader discussion.

  1. Spreading Personal Issues
    • a | Reporting My Letter to the Mods
    • b | Reporting My Letter to a Large Discord Call
    • c | Adding False Connotations
    • d | Appeals to Authority
    • e | Lack of Victim Involvement
  2. Manipulation of Information
    • a | Information Game (Jpep)
    • b | Weaponised Private Discord (MLarvitar)
    • c | Prejudicial Trap Narratives (MLarvitar)
    • d | Blowing Up Private Issues and Baiting Disclosure (Jpep)
    • e | Guilting People into Believing Lies (Jpep) [added 2024/09]
  3. Lying
  4. Evidence of Pattern (MLarvitar)
    Targeting Me:
    • a | “Manipulative Parasite”
    • f | Supporting Slander to Campaign against the Victim
    • i | Supporting an Abuser to Campaign against his Victim
    Targeting Urbani:
    • b | Humiliating Subtweet
    • c | Reaction to My Reaction to the Above
    • d | Shaming on Grounds of Whom Someone Is Friends With
    • j | Pressuring Someone to Break Up Someone Else’s Friendship
    • k | Emotional Dependence on Breaking Up Someone’s Close Friendship
    • h | Victim’s Fear
    Targeting Others:
    • m | Bancakes Intimidation Intention
    • e | Ricrexx PB-Post Harassment
    • l | Ricrexx Ostracisation Ops
    • g | Aggressive Fishing for Information on Personal Conflicts
  5. Personal Background
    • a | MLarvitar
    • b | Jpep
  6. Moral Dogmatism and Greater Good Mentality
    • a | Authority on Others’ Personal Issues
    • b | “Guy Fanclub”
    • c | Greater Good Mentality
    • d | False Accusations in the Tareq Doc

1. Spreading Personal Issues

This is the worst thing and the one I strongly argued in my video covering how my relationship with 1UpsForLife (including a letter I’d written to her) was escalated into a public matter. I covered:

Reporting My Letter to the Mods
Firstly, nobody has directly answered for how the mods know about the letter, but it’s beyond reasonable doubt due to Jpep/MLarvitar, probably MLarvitar.

from what ive been told by mods, it is a catalyst. as in, it is 1 individual event that is bad enough to motivate moving forward with a ban that they had already been talking about before

– Jpep

Note that no mod asked me to provide context for why I wrote the letter.

Reporting My Letter to a Large Discord Call

Within a MLarvitar Discord call, audience ~9. Jpep reports it with an appeal to objectivity – “everyone is gonna realize [I’m] a fucking piece of shit” – thus instilling a contextless credibility in me being a bad person. This is particularly bad because of the undertone of his appeals to authority (see below).

Adding False Connotations
I addressed this in my video – the notion that I’m manipulating 1Ups is entirely false

– MLarvitar

And the notion that what I said to 1Ups is “wrong” is undecidable to third parties because it’s an expression of a perspective on a relationship from one of its participants, therefore not possible to be wrong. I’ll moreover go on record as saying my take on the relationship was substantially realistic (i.e. I was right). But my point remains that all these statements have no objective value.

Appeals to Authority
Only Jpep/MLarvitar have spoken declaratively about my relationship with 1Ups. MLarvitar knows nothing about it. Jpep knows some, but claims to know everything:

Two lies highlighted. On the first claim, I was much closer to 1Ups than Jpep based on interaction quantity:

On the second claim, I was never explicit with Jpep about what happened in that aforementioned biggest issue because he never asked, even when I tried to talk to him about it days before sending 1Ups the letter.

The moral of the story is of course to never speak from authority on someone else’s relationship. Primary school shit.

EDIT 2024/09: I need to flesh out asserting Jpep never asked

I mentioned my biggest issue with 1Ups (the dongerduck liaison) to him explicitly to no reply 2.5 months before the letter (see here, “Extra Rebuttals” collapsible section).

I then mentioned having a very bad outlook on 1Ups a few days before the letter, citing no specifics but also mentioning other issues, which Jpep chose to steer into a discussion about MLarvitar and so this was also dropped.

These kinds of things are best proven by reading the raw DMs, which are available on request at the open SMS Discord.

Lack of Victim Involvement

It’s still very unclear why the mods acted on this issue, but even taking the discussion in MLarvitar’s Discord in isolation, spreading personal issues without victim involvement is disgraceful.

2. Manipulation of Information

This is the second-worst thing. Setting aside the mod secrecy policy on the private case, Jpep/MLarvitar do talk a lot and have been spreading the personal issue (section 1) with purposeful asymmetric-information tactics.

I’m not liable for using speculation to punch-up against this, because they are the ones suppressing open conversations and free information-sharing.

Information Game (Jpep)
Jpep has been spreading information on the connection between my 1Ups letter and the private case. This couplet:

And then this couplet:

from what ive been told by mods, it is a catalyst. as in, it is 1 individual event that is bad enough to motivate moving forward with a ban that they had already been talking about before

Both just barely avoiding self-contradiction. But also:

Jpep doesn’t reply, then says to someone else (note that this is FoundYourGun’s message to me, so the inlined quotes are Jpep’s messages to FoundYourGun):

EDIT 2024/09: This bit of chat shows the impact Jpep’s fake victimhood and information game had on people trying to ascertain whether Jpep’s accusations about me were true or not:

More on that set of accusations later… point being, deliberately suppressing conversation and selectively spreading information is demonstrated here. This doc will unravel the consequences of this manipulation.

Weaponised Private Discord (MLarvitar)
MLarvitar hosted a voice call where Jpep spread a lot of lies (see later) about me in voicebin, to an audience of ~9 people. Lego the mod was present but didn’t intervene. FoundYourGun, sympathiser with my case, was purged from this Discord before it was even established that he’d informed me about these statements, i.e. pre-emptively, which shows motive to weaponise the Discord to secretly spread information about me.

EDIT 2024/09: Jpitar in fact lied to 1UpsForLife that they purged FoundYourGun because he had informed me about those statements (1Ups told PumpMan that they had told her this). It’s also actually just notable that they purged people for telling me which lies they were spreading about me.

I’ve been here before with lumardy weaponising SDLL so I know how this goes… but this has a new dimension of the false narratives Jpep/MLarvitar are spreading not even being about them.

Prejudicial Trap Narratives (MLarvitar)
MLarvitar engages heavily in narratives that, prejudicially against me, predict and contextualise everything I may do, entrapping me. For example:

MLarvitar had several personal issues he confronted me with, of which I addressed only one (not even the one he mentions) with “oh i see where the confusion is”. He disagreed with my answer and then extended the narrative onto every issue, including the claim he refers to in this screenshot. Here it is again:

I don’t owe him an explanation (talking to someone who doesn’t want to listen), and he doesn’t get to guess an explanation either.

He spun any action I may take to defend myself from the mods’ secret private case like this:

MLarvitar/Jpep do seem to genuinely think I’m planning to expose 1Ups for something.

The serious issue here, tho, is when he does it in public. Trap narrative highlighted:

MLarvitar shows an intent to prejudice an audience with his predetermined flowchart of my actions.

Back down to Earth again: when you’re assessing evidence to figure out motives and wrongdoing, open-mindedness means evidence comes first and interpretation later. You don’t predictively apply a narrative, and you certainly don’t lead people who don’t know about the situation like this.

I suffered some mental damage from seeing the abstract notion that I will “misconstrue, manipulate, speculate, lie” be presented without any evidence to the public. Despin suffered similar:

Arguing with evidence is another thing but without that, what MLarvitar is doing here is slanderous gaslighting.

Blowing Up Private Issues and Baiting Disclosure (Jpep)
The messages Jpep addressed to MLarvitar’s Discord (which contains ~16 people) take advantage of 1Ups’ personal situation to sway people into thinking I’m a bad person, which incentivises me to talk about the situation to defend how I’m perceived. He predicts me doing this and tells 5 lies in one message in the process (next section), all despite 1Ups expressing a wish for this to not come out.

I confronted Jpep like this:

but yeah the ploy of reporting the letter and then trying to sting me into posting it is pretty next-level abuse, like nothing i’ve seen … but the level of premeditation seems above any other case i’ve seen

wherein I jumped the gun, since I now know he had in the past tried to influence me to not post the letter. I sent him a quick apology for that. Nevertheless, discussing my letter in this way and saying I will post it is, in effect if not intent, baiting me to delve into it in order to stem the tide of public opinion. It’s, at least, an extreme recklessness, and abuse of 1Ups’ trust.

My comments above made Jpep tremble for 30 minutes, but the thing I was reacting to (above that) made me tremble for 2 hours. It’s punching down on me like hell, and you can understand my feelings, not only if you’ve heard from my video what the nature of the personal situation being discussed actually was, but also from the difference between me telling him in private and him spreading it out to a bigger audience.

3 people who have seen the letter and my context don’t think I’m a “fucking piece of shit”. Yet “everyone will realize”?

Guilting People into Believing Lies (Jpep) [added 2024/09]

This is important yet I didn’t catch it at the time of the original Jpitar case. Jpep coerced his audience to not question his accusations by implying they’d be sorry they didn’t believe the mods and instead asked them for evidence, before proceeding to bring up lies – additional made-up details about what I’d supposedly done, kept intentionally vague yet extremely malicious-sounding, like “sensitive IRL info” 1Ups didn’t want revealed. As such, his audience was unable to ask for more details since then they’d become guilty and need to apologise, yet I was portrayed as intending to dox 1Ups, framed by Jpep as a fact “we KNOW”.

I pulled up the rhetorical techniques he used against his audience in yellow, with the key word in red:

As an aside, this “fact” about “sensitive, private info about her IRL life” turned out to be this:

Jpep gave this explanation for this. It’s funny because the parts about lumardy in the letter to 1UpsForLife were about their “friendship”, not their obsolete (back then) romance, which was not known about publicly until Jpep brought it up there… it’s an interesting entrapment strategy being deliberately vague about a false accusation to incite hatred of a target, and later becoming guilty of the exact thing you tried to smear him over.

I’m realising now that this is a manipulation technique that’s a good bit more malicious than any of the techniques seen in the Lumardy case, and targeting someone who’d done nothing to him. You could argue that Jpep was ostracising me from my speedrunning friends rather than closer personal friends as Lumardy did, but I’m unsure how much different readers will see a distinction there.

It’s also not a one-off:

This was PumpMan’s reaction at the time.

It is all extremely aggressive gaslighting.

3. Lying

I’m not saying I haven’t inadvertently lied somewhere, but I must remind that I’m defending against a secret case with big info disadvantage, whereas Jpep is lying about me of his free will. I’ve commented a few times that Jpep seems unaware that he’s lying, but why is none of my business since each lie slanders me.

The only direct lie I recall MLarvitar has told about the private case is that I manipulated 1Ups in the letter I sent her. The rest of this chapter will concern Jpep.

1. “gonna” is a spin on me instinctively considering posting and deciding not to within half a week.

2. “doc” is a misrepresentation of the letter itself (primary evidence of the unfairly-escalated personal issue). Jpep makes it sound like I’m planning to attack 1Ups.

3. “a good way into it” when i hadn’t started writing anything about it.

4. “private info about her IRL life” – nothing IRL is relevant to my personal problems with 1Ups, let alone the letter I sent her or the ban.

5. “she has NOTHING to do with his ban!” – Jpep admits she does in section 1a.

5 lies in this one message so far.

Another 2 in this ^ one, addressed in section 1d.

About this specific case, shout has already posted a hit piece on Jeff on his own website just this week when Jeff left a server he shared w shout bc jeff was uncomfortable with some people there. There is direct evidence of shout going after people like this

8. (my emphasis) Jpep claims I attacked Jeff for leaving a Discord, which is false because I was actually reacting to him instigating a redaction on a document I was responsible for behind my back. The former has no connotation of harm done to me – whether or not you agree the latter’s harm or my reaction to it were reasonable – and so implies a strictly malicious motive.

Here, one can loosely make out the underlying Jpep/MLarvitar narrative that I’m seeking out victims to revictimise, and how Jpep came to tell so many of these lies.

9. From its inference, this message implies that 1Ups was not talking on Discord in this period, but she sent FYG a message on 2022/09/16.

4. Evidence of Pattern (MLarvitar)

MLarvitar has a reputation of being an “ethical” bully, so I compile past behaviours here to establish patterns connecting to the abuse I’ve set out.

EDIT 2024/09: I reordered this section a bit so sorry the letters are jumbled up haha. Check the table of contents at the top of this page for an overview.

Targeting Me

4a | “Manipulative Parasite”
Verbally abusive message he sent to me out-of-the-blue – here in context.

To me, this is comparable to Awesomo and, er, ironic considering what they’re accusing me of. Jpep excuses it here (misrepresentation highlighted).

4f | Supporting Slander to Campaign against the Victim
After I discredited a false tweet on a situation that MLarvitar knew about, he supported the tweet by liking it.

4i | Supporting an Abuser to Campaign against his Victim [added 2024/09]
In January 2024, MLarvitar followed lumardy on twitter after I posted a reply to the latter. MLarvitar has no personal connection with lumardy and later acknowledged that lumardy had bullied me for around a year (sept 2022–jun 2023).

Targeting Urbani

4b | Humiliating Subtweet

This parodying subtweet to make a laffing stock of Urbani, same technique Tareq used on lumardy (the critique being accurate is no excuse).

4c | Reaction to My Reaction to the Above
I called out the above nicely at the time. His response

shows that he considers being right about his target as an excuse to bully said target, and that I’m only excused from a violent reprisal only because I don’t know enuff about the target. More on this in the last chapter.

4d | Shaming on Grounds of Whom Someone Is Friends With
Inkstar’s decision to remain friends with Urbani, obviously none of MLarvitar’s business, drew a public subtweet (which I again called out at the time in reply) plus him naming Inkstar for it on his private Twitter (~20 followers). This entitlement to spread personal issues indicates moral dogmatism (see conclusion) to me, and the target was obviously worried by it.

4j | Pressuring Someone to Break Up Someone Else’s Friendship [added 2024/09]

Plankton elaborates on this [CLICK TO EXPAND]

idk its just lots of dramatics about how urbani isnt a good person and how people should really reconsider being friends with him. in general the conversation was mostly about urbani. larvi told me some things that urbani did that he didnt like, i told him i dont really wanna hold any of that against urbani cause i dont know the situation and also have no proof of whats going on but in general i didnt want urbani in my chat due to thr slurs.

and then he sent me a doc that he made about how urbani has treated inky and how i should talk to inky because its in his best interest to not be friends with urbani. but ya he apparently sent inky the doc first. so inky instantly knew that i was referring to the doc when i tried to talk to him about it. and then inkstar opened up about some stuff he didnt really want to say. and then i told larvi that i really didnt want to get involved in anyones personal drama and that i pretty much just want to be left alone and decide for myself if i think someone is toxic based on my own interactions with them or undeniable evidence that they are a shitty person. but ya thats pretty much it.

he lead everything off by asking me about my friendship with urbani and i said that i dont really know urbani like that. wouldnt say we’re friends. and then he sent me a bunch of screenshots about how urbani was saying that i was a fake friend or whatever. but ya at the time and urbani were definitely friendly with each other but i didnt really know him outside of my stream chat so i clarified that lol.

idk how useful any of this is tbh but ya id say looking back on it that larvi was for sure trying to be manipulative cause he was basically making it come off like he was looking out for me but in reality his end goal was to try to get me to talk to inkstar.

4k | Emotional Dependence on Breaking Up Someone’s Close Friendship [added 2024/09]

The reason MLarvitar gives here for distancing from the SMS community is that he failed to tear Urbani’s closest friend Inkstar away from Urbani, that that means he lost… despite having shared around a doc about Urbani and encouraged his ex-friends to hate him. This comment catches him for psychopathy, as does the comment about my mother in the prologue, but at least this one isn’t anonymous.

4h | Victim’s Fear [edited 2024/09 to flesh out]
Inkstar expressed fear to me over MLarvitar’s stalking him and influence on the mods and told me to keep his identity secret lest he get banned. Which may seem like an exaggerated fear but this whole private case against me plus this mod message don’t inspire confidence, do they?

Targeting Others

4m | Bancakes Intimidation Intention [added 2024/09]
In a zoomer case chat, MLarvitar talks about his desire to intimidate Bancakes with a quote from a private personal DM he didn’t know MLarvitar had seen, in order to force him into line over him supporting zoomers 🤔.

MLarvitar is known for this kind of sadistic mimicry, especially in point 4b above, and I notice that people supported it in the latter case, I guess because they want their enemies to suffer without themselves being implicated in psychopathic acts.

4e | Ricrexx PB-Post Harassment
Ricrexx posted a PB in the SMS Discord, and received a ❌ react from MLarvitar. Jpep’s motive for disliking Ricrexx at the time was that he defended Zoomers, which I investigated at the time and opined was an invalid claim.

4l | Ricrexx Ostracisation [added 2024/09]
Jpep and MLarvitar engaged Ricrexx in an anti-“abuser” sting operation in PumpMan’s chat, with MLarvitar live-ostracising him:

[Tareq:] i do remember [ricrexx] complaining about how the jp larvi group would effectively harass him even despite minding his own business

Since I brought up Jpep’s role in this here, I’ll add his defence:

Jpep’s defence [CLICK TO EXPAND]

[Jpep:] in both Con frontattions I’ve had with ric I was not the initial aggressor. In [ricrexx’s] stream, he said there were screenshot of him posted by tareq. He was saying he was surprised he was not banned because of those, to which I answered to a curious plankton who wanted to see them that I still had them. The 2nd time I called him the fuck out for sure, but only after he called me a bitch in pumps chat

[Jpep previously:] [1upsforlife: does plankton know about ric supporting guy/ddos?] yes he does, 100% certain. bc i say it in chat at some point LOL. came in, dropped 2 ominous msgs, dropped out

The evidence Jpep had was inadequate to justify his claims against Ricrexx, and he showed an obsession with the topic in my DMs, an urge to stalk and cancel, which can be explored in the Jpep dialogue, §C2 (first half) or in this screenshot collage. The second half of §C2 covers his hatefulness, shown as targeted at the Tareq group.

4g | Aggressive Fishing for Information on Personal Conflicts
There was a now-resolved conflict between some of my SMS friends in early 2022, where one told me that MLarvitar was pressing him for information on the other party and he felt he had to reveal lest MLarvitar speculatively message people fishing for it.

My personal experience of MLarvitar is that he’d always ask me for info whenever I publicly expressed something negative about the SMS community, and discussion of conflicts was almost all we did.

5. Personal Background

This is to present motives and explanations from my personal relationships with Jpep/MLarvitar for why they’re acting as they are.

Until June 2022, we were on good terms. We’d helped each other on our abuse cases and had had in-depth conversations about the nature of abuse. I don’t regret supporting his cases because they were true. My likes and comments are still up on them.

Then, we had a disagreement over him not including me in his Discord. It was a petty dispute that I handled immaturely by discussing solely with Jpep. I gave Jpep honest opinions of MLarvitar, which he leaked to MLarvitar without replying to me, and MLarvitar got offended by my “vicious” accusations, which Jpep claimed were “serious claims” that merited Lavitar reacting with verbal abuse to me. But it was just stuff like me saying him calling me a “troublemaker” smacked of victim-blaming, and that I thought he was much more of a “troublemaker”, but had won the lottery on who’d abused him so it showed less (lmao).

This was my whole conversation with MLarvitar, where he merged this petty personal stuff with a take on the 1Ups situation he knew nothing about, to essentialise me as:

But in his mind, his personal opinion took on an objective significance, as evidence that I should have public reprisal against me (I still don’t really get why).

Mounting narratives about me to random people is malicious, given how weak and personal his arguments are. I mounted narratives about him only to Jpep, which is deliberate because I knew Jpep knew MLarvitar well and so might help change my mind or otherwise reconcile things between us. I expected Jpep to just disagree and respect my opinion. Again, this has little to do with the reason I publicly spoke about Jeff and how I handled my intimate-friendship problems with 1Ups. I realised at the end it’d be healthier to talk to MLarvitar directly, but then decided I didn’t care to and dropped my complaints.

Jpep was genuinely my close friend, so his context is different. This is to establish his bias against me:

When I told him I intended to expose lumardy’s abuse of me, his reaction was, as with MLarvitar, to not reply to me but rather disclose this to lumardy. Jpep then pressed me to not expose lu, with rhetoric talking about how aspects of lu’s abuse were excusable for mental health reasons, or were somehow my fault. He had, in the preceding months, spent much more time talking to lu than to me, despite being a much closer friend to me. When I then asked Jpep to disclose basic information about the situation to me to help me investigate, he asked lu, who refused, so he refused. A month later, Jpep apologised for all this. I had to spend 4 months making the case on lu by myself, having to keep Jpep out of it completely. Jpep told me recently:

I also mentioned how Jpep never engaged me when I wanted to explain the exact ways in which I was in pain from 1Ups, but he did immediately take her side and console her after I sent her my letter.

All this to me suggests that there is some rejection of who I am going on beneath. Jpep has, both with lu and 1Ups, valued insecurities and insanity as a justification for people harming me, but seen my reactions as inexcusable and discounted my own insecurities. I think he sees my personality and how I handle things as less worthy than those of 1Ups and MLarvitar.

He has asserted that speaking out against a friend group cutting me out over false claims of abuse is unreasonable to expect of a best friend. His take on my letter to 1Ups is therefore not credible, let alone his appeals to objectivity and authority.

6. Moral Dogmatism and Greater Good Mentality

Here’s a philosophical editorial taking a broad view of how this kind of behaviour is poisonous to a community. There’re two ideologies here that I think need to be rejected.

Authority on Others’ Personal Issues
Moral Dogmatism is the idea that moral issues have a unique solution everyone is working towards, and being a good person means pressing people to take on your moral stances.

Most of this doc and my video has been about why taking stances on someone else’s personal relationship is wrong, and the kinds of standards that instead must be used to determine whether to escalate such issues into public issues. I wrote these tweets explaining how reality in relationships is not subject to moral objectivism.

One telling piece of evidence for me is this:

Here, MLarvitar expects that I would deduce 1Ups from manipulation, despite me having said that manipulation was not relevant to that issue. The point is, MLarvitar expects that I would make the same moral deductions that he does, alluding to a universal truth (and if I don’t then he thinks it must be deliberate deception, seeing from his accusations of manipulation against me so far).

“Guy Fanclub”
To recap, MLarvitar complained publicly about Inkstar remaining friends with Urbani, and publicly harassed Ricrexx over his friendships and opinions. Jpep also ranted in Shine Heads about how Kohiru should be banned off crimes of supporting banned players and being insensitive on a social justice issue.

MLarvitar and Jpep both kept close tabs on Zoomer behaviour post-ban and Jpep lobbied in GB Discord for people who spoke in Guy’s Twitch chat to be proactively reported to SMS mods. Despin renamed a Zoomer-op group chat into “Guy Fanclub” in response to the former.

Greater Good Mentality
Greater Good is the idea that moral positions taken on people justify any means necessary to bring them to justice – whether bullying, misrepresentation/deceit, supporting lesser evils, etc.

I mentioned MLarvitar knowingly liking a false tweet, but really any number of behaviours from this doc can be cited. His response to me challenging his humiliating subtweets is a good example.

This ideology is starkly demonstrated here, where MLarvitar justifies publicly accusing Despin of “lying out of [his] ass”:

I explained in my video, with the analogy of someone who abused me no less, why this mentality is awful. Despin also argued it well in his response to the ban.

How can any bystander assume the mods are acting impartially? I was told neutral third parties were consulted. Who were they? Were they truly unbiased? How is anyone to know? The mods will not answer. Again, I don’t want harm to come to the victim. But because they’re hiding the details, the mods can’t be held accountable. No one outside the know can make an informed decision on whether shout is truly an abuser, because the mods should not be trusted implicitly.

The point being, facts need to come out so that you know whom you are “serving”. MLarvitar again puts himself above the public by using his personal opinion of me to argue that the public shouldn’t be allowed to have their own opinion. And the “neutral third parties” comment has become very poorly aged now with his and Jpep’s involvement in the ban as I’ve described it.

False Accusations in the Zoomer Doc
A few hours before this doc was released, I reported that one of the testimonies published in it was substantially misrepresentative (r.e. Flop-Like Fish Subtweet; see here for details). I myself was guilty of the greater good mentality here, in that I argued to include the misrepresentative testimony because I felt the greater point it made was right and represented many people.

I argued on the basis that we weren’t responsible for the accuracy of third-party testimony, and only needed to get our own narrative accurate.

However, I wanted to cite a few things that Jpep said while resisting my petition to edit the first-party prose itself.

What I’ve always seen in this conversation is exactly greater-good mentality. Properly contextualising Tareq’s action was seen as irrelevant and, in the last screenshot, his argument prejudicially dismissed because of his greater evil.

Per my own failure to avoid greater-good mentality back then, and how I only really see it in hindsight, I want it to be seen as something to learn to avoid, and to hope that Jpep gives it up one day.

Given that I reported a substantial retraction to the same doc – retracting that Nebuladiv groomed anyone he knew to be underage – I think it’s important to resist the direction of mob justice that these ideologies have been moving the community into.