review (2023/08/26 | private abuse issue from my pov)

Part of a series summarising crucial problems I have with the SMS mods.

I am not fussed about not being around the SMS community, and only mildly vexed about not being able to use the leaderboards (tho not anymore really). The major problem I’ve always had is that the SMS mod team cancelled me over an emotional abuse case that didn’t happen and lied in order to make it seem legit.

Main Events

The “Case”

1UpsForLife and I were friends, then we fell out. As part of the falling out, I send her a harsh letter. There’s a thoro examination of what happened (letter, context, reactions) here for making up your own mind, but it’s unimportant because:

1Ups said this wasn’t abuse and condemned the mods using it as ban rationale. Secondary source (cos 1Ups doesn’t talk to me):

The Decision-Making


  1. 1Ups forwards the letter to Jpep. 1Ups gives consent for Jpep to send the letter to Mlarvitar.

  2. 1Ups disappears and makes no contact with anyone from then until after the ban, except to send the uncensored then–Any% WR to FoundYourGun.

  3. Mlarvitar files a mod ticket to report that 1Ups disappeared because I sent her a letter. He does not show the letter or give them any concrete details about it.

  4. The Mods, having not seen the letter or asked 1Ups, assume I abused 1Ups and give me a 9-month ban partly for that.

In two public statements (SMS Discord #announcements), they accuse me of:

multiple verified instances of abusive behavior from shout both in public and private spaces.

Cases of private conversations where you engaged in bullying or purposefully malicious actions and intents.

The Cancellation + Lies

The mods lied in order to disguise that they didn’t know what happened in this case they banned me for, and so slandered me.

Their public statement:

Mod-at-the-time Rimato says:

EDIT (2024/01): Rimato and another mod-at-the-time Dingle also said that if they had read the letter, they would’ve voted for a substantially shorter ban; see below.

From my last summary:

i think 1ups’ opinion debunks the “purposely malicious actions and intents” accusation, and if not then mine certainly does and it was just as much my relationship as hers. even still, the mods accused me of this having no idea what i’d done – but more than that, the appeals to victim consultation, to having passed “judgement” on and “verified” the evidence, those are what make it clear lying and slander.

The Impact

The impact of this is seen from the reactions of uninvolved onlookers.

SMS Discord discussion on ban day:
See archive. This is full of quotes insinuating that I’d done something that made me deserve to be cancelled, with continual references to victim protection.

Observers’ characterisations of the ban:
People usually reduced it to this private case.

You were banned for abusing your friends.

– Jer (tweet from deleted account)

Unseen Impact
The SMS Discord has 1000s of members and the slander was posted in #announcements. I was blocked by 5 people, unfollowed on various socials by at least 7 more, banned from 2 streamer Discords, with this slander from authority contributing directly or indirectly.

Exacerbating Factors

I did most of my discussion about the ban in 2022 with Warspyking. Here is an archive including the whole post-ban discussion.

Warspyking Ignores Witness To My/1Ups’ Falling-Out

Witness testimony:

i have a witness who knows more about me and 1ups than even jpep who can explain the context there and is adamant that doesn’t deserve a ban

me to Warspyking, 2022/09/25

I sent him those exact 2 screenshots above on 2022/10/24.

EDIT (2024/01): I also added:

hooktail (Zip Zip#2855) is the witness who was disgusted by your actions and said he was uncomfortable with the fact you didn’t consult him to explain about 1ups, but his head has since exploded from the situation and he doesn’t want to be involved at all anymore. however, i did ask him to respond honestly if a mod contacts him

me to Warspyking, 2022/10/24

Warspyking Blocks My Own Report Of My Letter To 1Ups

He prevented me from independently reporting what happened with 1Ups to him on 2022/09/27.

Key excerpts:

In full:

This is despite me trying to report it as abuse:

i need to talk to the mods about somebody leaking personal conversations without context or explicit consent of the victim in order to make cases on me by making false connections between friendship stuff and community stuff

And caused at least 2/4 other mods to become misinformed:

– Despin on Dingle

Warspyking Aware Of Cancellation

I made it entirely clear to him that this cancellation for fake private abuse is all I really cared about:

September 2022, in the DM archive

December 2022, in Twitter DM:

the free use of the word “abuse”, equating me with lumаrdy via 9 months, and enabling people to bully me into a cancellation, me losing idk how many friends, is extremely serious shit for me. i’m aware u don’t know what i said to 1ups that was so bad despite intervening on the situation, and i already had the history of alienation that i wrote about in my untitled-unmastered essay (scroll to late 2021), PLUS the exact same thing happening with lumаrdy pretending to be a victim and me losing idk how many friends. i don’t go on about this for nothing and there’s no delusion i have to let go of.

Awareness of 1Ups’ Reaction:
He found out from my summary tweets, and PumpMan specifically told him 1Ups doesn’t consider this case “abuse”, to which he replied (according to PumpMan) that it was unimportant.

Warspyking Reaction: Pressing For Further Ban

He is trying to use my tweets post-ban (defending myself from a dozen people) to justify continuing to keep me banned.

This is despite his slanderous cancellation causing me to have to defend myself and so causing those tweets.

Warspyking Ignores My Messages

This was common enuff to cite. E.g. (top 3 are in the DM archive, bottom 2 are from Twitter DMs):

So when he implies that I’m able to talk to him, he’s lying. Note that he started harassing me after this, with a total of 4 subtweets (1 2 3 4).

EDIT (2024/01): Warspy disputes that the first of these is about me; in either case, this wasn’t clear to the people who liked the tweet.

Lego6245 Witnesses Mlarvitar Bullying Discord

There is a documented bullying case implicating Jpep and Mlarvitar, based mostly around the former telling around 10 lies about me in the latter’s Discord, which mod Lego6245 witnessed live (in their voice call) and did nothing. Jpep never answered for his lies.

Lego6245 Coerces Dingle (Suspected)

Dingle was a fellow mod.

Lego6245 Reaction: Block

After I called him out on Twitter with the evidence of lying/slander (above) and said “you can run but you can’t hide”:

Additional Questions

Why Did Mlarvitar Report This?

To my understanding, it’s because:

Why Did 1Ups Run Away For 1.5+ Months?

Decide for yourself from my letter and the context but IMO it’s because she’s mentally unstable and couldn’t handle the criticism I gave her.

Who Is Culpable For The False Allegation Of Abuse?

IMO, primarily her, because she was completely aware of it:

I had carefully given her a choice to deal with this before I started talking about her at all, by explicitly establishing the full consequences of her actions. To this day (2023/08/26), she has not cleared the false accusation.

IMO, the presumptive victim, aware of the false cancellation, has power and responsibility, which override everyone else, to end it. She refused, therefore she herself cancelled me with a false abuse case and therefore abused me.

Mlarvitar is culpable for taking advantage of 1Ups behind her back to exploit a personal situation neither of us wanted to be public, in order to bully me.

Warspyking is culpable for the litany of modding offences above, culminating in him harassing me with 4 subtweets.

A review of mod conversations would establish who was responsible for accusing me of this case with no evidence, but currently all of the mods are.

1Ups Manipulation

Quickly noting an ongoing problem: 1Ups discussed my falling-out with her with PumpMan, who made some accusatory comments to me, which I replied to with a transcript of all of mine and 1Ups’ DMs since April 2022, to which he said:

1ups’ recollection “technically checks out” I think, however the way she told it to me gave me a pretty inaccurate picture of the situation

The problem is that she’s been blackmailing people by giving them her side in exchange for them not telling me what she said. This happened with Zip Zip before I was banned and with PumpMan more recently, tho she relented on the latter during their conversation.

I am always able to disclose anything I say about her privately if need be. EDIT: Well I won’t be here forever, so the full archive of our raw DMs is available in the open Discord per its sensitive-evidence procedure.