Nebuladiv Dating Discord | Conduct Review

This review covers how the libel established in the case review came to pass.


A chronological analysis.

False Accusation Origin

I think the first mention of the case in the Zoomer doc action group chat basically predicts everything that happened after, so I will go into the meat of my thesis here.

Jpep is the first person to find the interaction between Nebuladiv and the 15 year old, which was the only relevant evidence given for the (false) accusation of child sexual abuse. The causality error is immediately visible in the screenshots – Nebuladiv asking for pictures precedes his mark telling him that she’s not 18, which her tone clearly indicates is what Nebuladiv was expected to have believed, but rather 15.

Jpep’s reaction draws attention to the mark being 15, and mostly goes for the language of moral panic – “fucking vomiting”, “actual predator”. The screenshot posted preceding the interaction with the 15y/o is captioned “holy fuck” and is about a disgusting manipulative remark Nebuladiv sent to an 18y/o (“please send me tity picture to verify your bodily growth hormone 🤣”), so the emotional mood has been set for an impending overreaction.

In Marxist philosophy, moral panic is a tool used by the ruling class (especially the media) to manipulate people out of questioning whom they are being manipulated into hating. The song “Nihilist Assault Group” by Stereolab is a basic introduction to the idea:

What’s morals, after all? Set of rules from above. Moral panic leads to more censorship while annihilating [the persistence of the critical sense]. Morals which don’t even tackle the real issues. Morals which seek intervention and control. Morals which don’t even address the real problems. Morals that just seek control over our lives.

One of the most infamous moral panics is about “paedophilia”, which was satirised in Brass Eye in 2001 for example, and is an interesting thing to make your mind up about – how much should we care about moral panic being satirised when it’s about a legitimately horrible thing? The reaction to the show suggests: not a lot. Burn the paedos. If your name is Peter File and you get lynched then it’s your problem ! In the internet age, it’s become routine to accuse people of paedophilia regardless of ages involved and regardless of context, which is what we’re seeing here.

If Jpep had wanted to legitimately accuse Nebuladiv of being a predator, then the evidence was right there – Nebuladiv asked for thigh photos from an adult who then confided to him about being sexually assaulted as a child, engaged in a long phone call with her, all intended to make fun of her to Tareq Discord, and then he shared her thigh photos around Tareq Discord. But it feels like it doesn’t quite hit without the “paedophilia” – Jpep would’ve been required to use his brain and take a critical stand, thus risking people vilifying him after Nebuladiv’s cancellation, whereas here he knows he is backed by the collective feeling of disgust around paedophiles.

I’ve made an example of Jpep here but I think the behaviour is quite unconscious, and the evaporation of the critical sense is immediately reflected in some comments he receives (“I am shocked”, “holy fuck”), and even more clearly in the lack of further discussion of the issue. Jpep is a conduit for societal moral panic into the case action group, and the moral panic then continues to reverberate – let’s continue.

False Accusation Elaboration

Jeff airs the accusation that “underage individuals [were] involved with their alts”, which is true. It’s leading in the sense that it misses the complicity of Nebuladiv, and the fact that he didn’t know the person was underage has no room to be mentioned here. But I think it is understood that that’s what Jeff means. Jpep acknowledges Jeff’s claim but doesn’t further comment.

Jpep is the first person to state the central false claim – “he [asks] for pics of someone he knows is 15”. Jpep makes a claim here that I think refutes him intentionally stirring moral panic, saying it’s not a strong case because Nebuladiv states he “cant date underage”. Jeff reacts by interpreting this as an intentional lie, as part of an archetype of grooming. Jeff cites that Nebuladiv did ask for pics. There’s no mention anywhere of the chronology. Neither seems interested in examining the evidence on what actually happened.

Two interesting things here – firstly, it’s important to note that evidence review in this case was done basically by compiling folders of out-of-context and out-of-order screenshots (so nothing like the actual review I’ve done). These galleries are more intended to disgust than to show the truth. This is what Jeff would’ve been looking at when reaching his (correct) conclusion that Nebuladiv asked for thigh pictures from a 15 year old. Secondly, kinda further to that, static analysis plays a crucial part in the result here. I get the impression that a human’s irrational limbic system isn’t really capable of processing chronological causality; rather, they feel these emotions looking at the thigh pictures and the 15 year old, and the lack of intention (from Nebuladiv rightly assuming the mark was 18) cannot affect this, especially since Nebuladiv is already a pervert, already bullying these women, and because of the tribal motive (“he hurt my friends”) to not apply the minimal empathy necessary to contextualise his actions properly. All this under the veneer of rational justice.

That’s the main thing to understand about the Zoomer case as a whole I think: that they did terrible things isn’t the reason they were cancelled; it was the combination of tribalism and moral panic (this disgust reaction disguised as righteous indignation). The cancellation is a limbic reaction, not a rational one – as all cancellations are.

“being a paedo”, “is a confirmed predator”. The ideas are just normalised by now, and there’s no thought given to how the conclusion was reached. Nobody is asking.

False Accusation Write-Up

In the meantime, the doc itself was being written. JeffCompass wrote 100% of the content related to the false accusation, shown in this screenshot, except for edits I consider trivial, mostly me swapping the word “inferring” for “implying”, and Despin swapping “funny” for “a joke” and hyperlinking Discord support.

Aside: Doc Edit History Review

an approximate review; times are in utc+1 iirc; + indicates added text; → indicates edited text

jpep oct 3 16:57
+ Nude photos of women obtained through DMs were also shared within the server, presumably without having asked for the consent of the concerned individuals.

jeff oct 3 18:23
+ To make matters worse, we found examples of Nebuladiv sexually harassing underage girls on their alt account on E-Dating discords.

jeff oct 3 22:03
+ In some cases, we found members of this server themselves engaging in pedophilic behaviors. Specifically, we found photo evidence of Nebuladiv sexually harassing an underage girl on his alt account, Kiyoko85, on an “E-Dating” discord, going so far as to ask for photos of the victim despite being told her age.

jeff oct 3 22:41
+ Despite him saying he doesn’t date underage- he specifically asks for “underage” thigh pics, and clearly understands who he is communicating with is a minor. This is a form of grooming, and is potentially very damaging and harmful to the victim.

jeff oct 3 22:50
+ Even worse, at one point, he mentions he’s a discord moderator in another community, which can be construed as trying to attract a minor from a victim of power.

jeff oct 3 22:53
+ Whether Nebuladiv intended this to be “funny” or not does not matter- this is a very serious offense and needed to be documented.

despin/jeff oct 3 22:03
funny → a “joke”

jeff oct 3 23:06
+ his actions do not match his words:

jeff oct 3 23:21
potentially → ø
victim of power → place of power
+ another pattern typical of a predator

jeff oct 3 23:46
+ textbook

despin oct 4 00:12
“joke” → joke [w/o quotes]

jeff oct 4 01:05
+ Pedophilic Behaviors [title]
+ DDos, while not directly engaging with the minor, encourages Nebuladiv to ask the victim for more photos.

jeff oct 4 02:21
+ sexually harassed harassed or abused you

despn oct 4 03:00
[links screenshot repo]

jeff oct 4 03:35
+ This type of behavior from those who know better does everlasting damage to the victims.
attract → entice

jeff (timestamp?)
+ (content warning: sexual abuse of a minor)
[red font]

jeff oct 4 19:31
being told her age → inferring that he knows the victim is underage. [BOLD]

jeff oct 4 19:33
+ as well as pictures of the victim’s breasts [deleted:] and clearly understands that who he is communicating with is a minor

jeff oct 4 19:38
+ and child endangerment

jeff oct 4 19:39
+ again, fully under his knowledge the victim is underage.

oct 4 19:39
shoutplenty: inferring → implying
jeff: underlines “knows”

jeff oct 4 19:41
+ with an intent to obtain child pornography
harassing → abusing

jeff oct 4 19:44
underlines “underage”

jeff oct 4 19:45
+ without any regard for her safety.

jeff oct 4 19:49
+ immediately followed by a request well as pictures of for a photo of

jeff oct 4 19:50
+ Nebuladiv as well mentions to the minor

jeff oct 4 19:51
under his knowledge → after implying he knows

jeff oct 4 19:52
+ and distribute
+ who should know better does everlasting, unerasable trauma and damage

jeff oct 4 19:53
+ simply

despin oct 4 20:32
[Discord Support links]

jeff oct 4 20:36
knows → understands

doc released oct 4 21:08

— end —

On the subject of content, I said in the case review:

This conflates a case where Nebuladiv asked for “underage thigh pics”, then the mark confirmed age 18, then he asked for a breast photo, with a case where he asked for a “thigh pic that looks underage buyt is definietly 18”, was later told the mark was 15, then desisted. This also implicitly reverses the chronology of when he confirmed the second mark was underage.

This shows the homogeneisation of disgust I’ve been writing about so far, the static analysis and conflation of screenshots from a decontextualised screenshot pile. Also interesting is the overt signalling of moral panic being used here (remember that Jeff didn’t collaborate on wording, rather wrote it without discussing), with the literal underlining of provocative language (“underage”) and the exact detail that would provoke the fiercest reaction yet is categorically false (that he “knows”). With all this said, the phrase “intent to obtain and distribute child pornography” comes off very cringe and again raises the question “why didn’t you check?”. Such a flippantly-made yet overwhelmingly severe accusation.

Finally, observe the exact argument Jeff made in interpreting the evidence, highlighted yellow above. Ignoring the last clause, which is caused by Jeff assuming a false chronology that conflates two separate DM conversations, despite the screenshots in the pile being ordered the opposite way around to the order he suggests. Well, to be fair, that’s very suspicious given that the original claim of Nebuladiv asking a minor for photos was made by ignoring chronology. Ew. OK, IGNORING THAT:

The thing that’s the heart of what went wrong to cause the libel is Jeff proving that Nebuladiv “dates underage” using Nebuladiv saying to a mark “sened me those underage thigh pics”. This mark was demonstrably 18, but it makes no difference – how can asking for “underage” pictures affect the truth value of whether the person he was already in conversation with was underage? It’s not that at all. Rather, it’s that Nebuladiv asking for “underage” pictures is digusting, and him having spoken to a 15-year-old is disgusting, so the limbic moral panic does the work combining the two, and then the rationalisations, this absurd failure of logic, follow.

This puts me in mind of the SMS community’s most abusive moderator Lego6245 saying to Despin, after Jeff felt targeted by Despin criticising a mod action he had happened to do,

How responsible for this is Jeff when nobody called this out in review? What did the reviews even entail? I personally think I am somewhat guilty of not catching the decontextualisation of the screenshots and the lack of logic in the claim myself, even tho I am, I think demonstrably, the person most able to preserve his critical sense in the face of emotional irrationality, and more than that, I was largely uninvolved in the doc, having not even been in the relevant group chat. So it feels like there was a much greater failure among the actual authors, with clear signs of self-imposed time-pressure and constant hatred of the subjects of the doc visible in the group DM as well.

Consequence: Vigilantism

First, we have this discussion in the inner case group chat from about 28h after the case was released. The concerned citizen reposts a vague headline from the doc – ”Nebuladiv sexually abusing an underage girl” – which is elaborated in the doc into the false accusation we’ve been discussing. He asks whether the police has been alerted. Note the message “It’s been coming up a lot” as well. These are concrete evidence of the repercussions of the libel on its victim. Other than that, the mods handle it responsibly. Tho I wonder if Jeff stands by the “jail worthy” comment lol.

Mod Appeal Suppression

The reaction to Tareq suggesting that libel had happened is really disturbing lol. JeffCompass, Noki Doki and FoundYourGun back-to-back display intent to defame by prejudicially dismissing an appeal to the case, with Jeff going further and stating as a policy suggestion ghosting appeals, which has found favour with all generations of moderator teams following him.

Noki Doki doubles down on the prejudicial dismissal.

This is a bit of circular doublethink. Anyway, several discussions later, still nobody has thought to hear the appeal and review the evidence.

Here’s my own fake Chris Morris quote in the style of the Peter File one I linked above:

Tareq has complained about a lie that really was in the doc, but I have to say, if you spent the last few years lying, would you be believed? NO!

Mod Communication Suppression

Turning our attention to the other case group chat (I was party to this one about the case but not the more-specific one about the doc that all screenshots have been from so far).

Jpep shows that he expects the claim about Nebuladiv grooming minors to be the part of the case that provokes the most disgust and hatred. That’s awareness of the consequences of the accusation.

I was having a DM conversation with Tareq coincidentally at the point the doc was released, after he’d reached out to me to show solidarity over my discussing being targeted by Awesomocity0. When Jeff found out, he commanded me to stop talking to Tareq, but I stayed strong, trusting my instinct telling me listening to Tareq was the right thing to do. He asserted that it would not yield anything productive. In the context of the libel this has enabled, this is bad, I think. It makes the nature of the case being a socially-engineered tribal ostracisation very clear.

One Year Later

Tareq didn’t bring up the libel to me then, which, given he had already done so to Noki Doki, is understandable. About a year later (Oct 2022), it came up in conversation, after he reached out to me again in solidarity after I suffered, er, another socially-engineered tribal ostracisation, in this case a much more blatant one that caused a pervasive unease in the SMS community for the following year or so.

See the log of the conversation.

Note first that Tareq didn’t call on me to do anything about the libel, rather I’m acting of my own accord:

[Tareq:] also if it is able to be corrected then theres no point since its basically too late now. no 1 is gonna see or care. i think thje best thing would be to just not bring it up

People often argue to me that I am expecting an unrealistic standard in terms of things like actually reading evidence before trying to cancel someone. But I am glad I always have a long history of correct behaviour to show that it is realistic to be a good person. Here, the first thing I notice is that, having thought there was no libel, I show intellectual curiosity:

can u exрlain this 1
is it fake cos рedo doesnt mean what ррl think it means or

Consistent ethical principles:

yeah this is degen shit, sms leaning into РAEDO! moral рanic
what they shouldve done is called it grooming, which it was
it wasnt рaedoрhilia

And an actually correct reaction to an appeal that alleges libel:

wait what
that oughta be reviewed
i read the evidence and the causality seemed backwards to what youre saying here

And later on:

as someone who reviewed that bit of evidence, i take some resрonsibility if it was misinterрreted and swear it wasnt meant to be disingenuous. not that i was the only reviewer, and my head was rly elsewhere

I know I would’ve kept on top of the other group chat and prevented the appeal Tareq made from being dropped, and likely would’ve done thoro reviews of the original doc and caught the chronology error that led to the false accusation. But I didn’t because I was suffering from lumardy. I think this is an argument for taking a kind-of practical “original sin” strategy – if abuse is confirmed, then you take a zero-tolerance approach to isolate the victim from the abuser and roll back the consequences, else things spill over on and on, including in the false accusation of me being an abuser that was later made to cover for someone protecting my abuser. If I had been protected from lumardy then I would in turn have protected Nebuladiv from being libelled, quite simply.

I replied (in 2022/10) to Guy2308’s tweet about “false pedo allegations” with a preliminary review, done with less depth than this one, and cleared Nebuladiv of the allegation of soliciting photos from someone he knew was underage. There was a very deafening silence in how none of the people involved reacted and no edits were made to the doc, to this day (2024/09/29). So I feel like the intention to socially abuse Nebuladiv by ignoring the libel is very much there, whether among ex-collaborators on the case, especially MLarvitar whose tweet was quoted by Guy2308, or mods, especially Noki Doki who was an SMS moderator for the entire period of the case, thru to these tweets being made. The air of righteous indifference from everyone persists to this day.

I want to end this section with an opinion Tareq gave on this libel case sometime before 2022/10. It’s a kind of proxy for understanding the damage that libel does, and you can make up your mind on the ethics of cancellation he describes vs the abuse his group perpetrated to warrant it.

[Tareq:] yeah, you notice how they made up BLATANTLY false PEDO accusations, included biased, made up testimonies from people including LUMARDY WHOS FUCKING BANNED NOW LOL? they dogpiled shit like that because its not like we would get any room to clarify that those things are wrong. the screnshots of us being toxic were real and more than enough for people to just stop listening or caring about any sort of clarification we could offer. all of this conflict and several years of speedrun progress lost because they were so giddy and excited to get rid of a group of people they always hated, while masking it under the claim that its for the betterment of the community and for lightening the trauma of 3 or 4 mentally unwell 25-30 year olds who shouldnt have been on the internet on the first place. the truth is if you wanted these people to not lose their fucking mind and become depressed, you would never publicize the very thing that would hurt them, unless you think public justice is more important than your dear friends mental well being. these ppl are scum and thats all

It is true that the testimony from lumardy is manipulative (whitewashing his part in being called out by Tareq, which is explained here, Flop-Like-Fish section), so I recommended that it be removed from the doc, tho I don’t consider it serious enuff to correct.

For my ongoing duty to handle the original case responsibly, I have maintained an open dialogue with Tareq both to get the truth out and to collaborate with him in our goal for him to not make his presence felt in the SMS community ever again, which I’ve incentivised with the accurate leaderboards’ hidden-name policy.

Responses to this Conduct Review

All of the 9 other parties involved in the case chats and doc were sent a draft of this document to comment on, with JeffCompass being sent one earlier and personally. Jeff writes:

This was a statement on behalf of a team of moderators, and thus this document is something that each person had not only a right to correct, but a responsibility to correct if they believed anything was unfair or incorrect. As mod initiate, I could not stand in the way or have the final word on any corrections or changes. I do not think pinning what you percieve as an injustice on any one person is particularly fair when many other eyes had to read it and sign off on it. This will be on my only statement on this matter and would respectfully like to ask you to leave me alone from now on.

My comments on this:

Jpep gave no direct comment, but snitched on me to some current SMS moderators, which I heard from plankton:

jpep told [the mods] that he feels slandered bc he had nothing to do with the write up on neb and he said that you should already know that

Jpep originated the false accusation that Jeff wrote up, so “nothing to do with” is a misdirection, in fact one of phrasing akin to what Jpep is known for (see section 3, item 5).

As to slander, I took his criticism on board and issued a correction to the tweets he was referencing (at the bottom of the thread and retweeted). I didn’t consider the tweets inaccurate enuff to warrant deletion.

jpep seems pretty adamant that u should have evidence to prove that its untrue

Also an interesting one, because I eventually proved both that Jpep originated the accusation and that Jeff wrote it up, by asking someone involved in the case to give me, respectively, a log of the inner case chat and edit access to the draft case document. Two things Jpep could’ve done himself to prove his claims but chose not to 🤔.

Not to be too “suspicious” here since, contextually, it is well-established at this point that Jpep is a chronic liar and serial gaslighter.

The other involved parties, for better or worse, gave no comment. It’s especially notable for Noki Doki, who was a primary instigator of suppressing Tareq’s appeal and who has a long history of dodging accountability, for things like announcing a lie that covered up Dutchj being fired.

Final Word

It is hard to assign blame because the societal context is a cognitively dissonant haze. Human society is built upon the principles of social dominance and popularity contests, and humans have evolved to convince each other to agree while thinking to themselves that they’re finding the truth in doing so.

I think the case of Warspyking, an SMS moderator who took a side, intentionally didn’t read evidence, then libelled someone for abuse that never happened, participated in a gaslighting conspiracy off the excuse of “victim protection”, and didn’t react to finding out there was evidence that contradicted his stance, rather pressuring the person to stop talking about it – this case was found to be relatable to another generation of uninvolved moderators. It was considered an unrealistic standard to do better. I see that as applying to this case as well. It’s strange to blame the people who libelled Nebuladiv when most of their peers would act and did act in a similar way. They are in denial about it for sure, and I’ve seen a lot of self-propaganda about “being good people”. And there is no sense of right or wrong while this haze of dissonance persists, in which social abuse is considered part of being a good person. So I can’t really come to a public conclusion.

I think the things we have to observe are moreso their reactions, notably that none of the 9 involved people apart from me expressed even regret for what happened, with the two main instigators Jeff and Jpep further both engaging in finger-pointing scapegoating, Jeff explicitly avoiding acknowledging it was libel and Jpep focusing on the technicality that he didn’t write down the accusation he did originate. I would say there’s an expectation for these people to be out-clouted before they start owning up and apologising for anything.

I think it’s also important to start making examples of people who participate in especially the suppression of evidence, the ghosting of appeals, and to a lesser extent even just failed reads of obvious evidence, or extremely spurious logic (which requires a lot of excuses to distinguish from malice). If it causes the harm, then it must be acknowledged, and consequences must be signalled.

And if there ever is gonna be healing
There has to be remembering, and then grieving
So that there then can be forgiving,
There has to be knowledge and understanding

– Famine, Sinead O’Connor

Surely at some point, people will want to do better? Or am I just more evolved than them? They seem to say they agree with truth and justice, but they never actually do it. Well, maybe the true evolution is the ability to say one thing and do the opposite as effortlessly as they do.

Meanwhile, the legacy of this case has become that its by-far most serious claim isn’t true, and Nebuladiv’s case, which we had instinctively already known was about rampant bullying, bigotry, edgelordism, and then found an example of him manipulating someone into sending erotic photos – that was turned into child sexual assault. The victim of the libel thus, of course, disappeared from the internet and has been trying to get traces of himself erased. He’s been threatened by vigilantes coming after him offline, finding out his job and such. If he had nowhere to run away to then that could easily be a suicide. But of course, to quote Thom Yorke, once again, we are hungry for a lynching. The moral panic is profound – anyone who sympathises with someone who made perverted, hebephilic remarks? Who ruthlessly bullied people into depressions? A malicious, antisocial exploiter of others for his own entertainment? Say yes and… you’re a PAEDO. You’re next.