SMS Freedom of Information

A place to disclose and permanently host information for the public benefit, as I see fit.

This page has an impartiality policy; if there’s any document missing from coverage of a topic, please let me know.

Publication History
2023/12/21: awesomocity0/dutchj case, mlarvitar/jpep case, il accurate leaderboard

2023/01/12: rta leaderboard tracker

2022/11/01: btrl essay

2022/10/14: #speedrunning, deleted a8 runs, my case, bingo case #screenshot-thread, bingo case #community-reconciliation, lumardy case, urbani case, tareq discord case


IL Accurate Leaderboard (Table, App)
A tool to deanonymise players and collect missing runs to promote leaderboard accuracy.

RTA Leaderboard Tracker
A tool to deanonymise players and log deleted runs to promote leaderboard accuracy.

Archive of the SMS channel from Guy2308’s Discord that hosted the IL meta from late 2019 to mid 2021.

Deleted A8 Runs
A record of every run by Guy2308 removed from the leaderboards.


MLarvitar/Jpep (Allegation)

Me (Allegation, Response)

Toburr/Rudhira/PneumaticKomodo/GoldenDevil (#screenshot-thread, #community-reconciliation)
Archives of the May 2022 conflict and Jun–Jul 2022 mediation Discord channels regarding the bingo community bullying case. The former includes the GB Discord #sunshine thread at the point the conflict came to a head.

Awesomocity0/Dutchj (Allegation)

Lumardy (Allegation, Response)

Urbani (Allegation)

Guy2308/Tareq/Nebuladiv/ddos/UrinalMike/EquivocalGenius/Oatflaker/knirgesh/rays04 (Allegation)
Also known as Tareq Discord, Zoomer case, Doctober. This was the one that caused a gigantic moral panic and was covered on Reddit.

BTRL Essay
A post-mortem on the issue of BTRL commentary in SMS, Jun 2021.